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Explore benefit →Diversify your deal-flow and avoid bias with a wide set of scouts from all ethnic backgrounds, genders, ages, walks of life, and backgrounds.
Explore benefit →Your returns start with access to the right deals. Work with us to expand your deal-flow to new geographies, up-and-coming knowledge hubs, and under-the-radar communities.
Explore benefit →Valuation inflation is real and you win by getting in early. Get access to earlier pre-accelerator deals to get better returns.
Explore benefit →Identified an interesting niche? Broadcast your deal needs to our network to take your deal-flow in a new lucrative direction.
Explore benefit →Our carry-share model means that we're 100% aligned and are only compensated for sharing with you great deals that generate top returns. There are no other upfront or monthly costs for using our service.
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Once you come across a startup you like request a mutual introduction to the founders to hear more and for further due diligence.
Once you're ready, complete your investment adding Superscout as a carry-share partner.
The answer to less resources is deal sharing. But partner networks take time to build up. Get instant access to our full scout network without tapping into your management fee.
Explore use case →Bring your syndicate participants earlier and better pre-vetted allocations that will fill themselves.
Explore use case →Accelerate your expansion into new strategic innovation hotbeds without the need for feet on the ground.
Explore use case →Have an existing scout program? We hear you. Add Superscout as another scout with the same terms to 10x your network.
Explore use case →First-time fund manager? Get to first close faster and motivate limited partners to get in early by tapping into our scout network for deal warehousing.
Explore use case →Finding valuations getting out of control and deciding to get in earlier? Tap into our scout network for access to pre-vetted early-stage deals with better terms.
Explore use case →Discover which of Superscout's offerings is the best fit with your objectives.
Superscout provides learning resources for current and upcoming VC scouts, a community forum, and tools to help scouts present deals and find the right investors to send them to.
We’re seeing some investment in areas which are not the ones we’re spending a tonne of time on at seed-stage. Our starters community is taking our interest towards areas we didn’t know existed.
I guess the next and final question is: what kind of scout programmes can we build, drawing from the example the US and the UK has set for us ?
They’ll never get enough credit for this, but one thing Sequoia did was use scouts to radically increase the amount of diversity in the industry.
If you want to eventually work at a venture fund, the VC partners will look at your scout track record.
Accel has found a simple way to make it stand out from the crowd: it’s given each scout a bucketload of capital.
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